Interested in becoming a sponsor of Burntisland Golf House Club? Please contact Mike Dingwall – Sponsorship Convener
Email – sponsorship@burntislandgolfhouseclub.co.uk
Mob – 07803 230747
Email – sponsorship@burntislandgolfhouseclub.co.uk
Mob – 07803 230747
Sponsorship Deals
Sponsorship Pricing /
Payment Options

1. The areas around the first tee and adjacent to the clubhouse are considered ‘Premium’ because advertising signs located in these areas will potentially be visible to ALL visitors to the club / shop whereas signs located on tees 2 thru 18 will only be visible to people playing the course. The Practice Net is considered a ‘Standard’ location due to being slightly further from the clubhouse than other ‘Premium’ locations.
2. The wall slats, located on the wall behind the first tee, contain the names of On Course sponsors only as a way of indicating who is sponsoring each hole out on the course, for the benefit of non-playing visitors. There is no need to include Clubhouse sponsors in this display as their advertising signs are already clearly visible in this area.
3. There is a display rack in the clubhouse foyer available for sponsors to stock their business cards if desired.
4. Where the sponsor is also a member of the golf club, and therefore already has Social Membership, they will receive additional Bar Vouchers as an alternative benefit.
5. A special ‘Budget’ deal is now available using the sign location and dimensions of the On Course Standard deal, but without the benefits of Green Fee Vouchers or Sponsors Day Invitation – for a flat rate of £250 per year.
1. All prices shown are exclusive of VAT.
2. The total cost of multi-year deals will receive a 10% discount if the full amount is paid up front rather than annually or by Direct Debit.
3. New sponsors wishing to pay by Direct Debit should make an initial payment of £100 to cover the cost of the advertising sign, wall slat etc. This will be deducted from the total cost when calculating monthly payments for the remainder of the sponsorship period. Direct Debit payments include a standard £1 per month DD fee.
4. Costs for multi-year deals will be protected for the duration of the sponsorship period, even if prices are reviewed and increased by the club in the intervening period.
5. Deals will be re-negotiated when they expire and advance notice will be given when expiry of a deal is approaching. Deals being paid by Direct Debit will be auto-renewed unless they are explicitly cancelled or changed to an alternative deal type or period.